NextGen TMI – Next Gen Target Marketing Intelligence
NextGen TMI is the industry leader in supplying quality business moving leads.
In our 20+ years, we have perfected a proven system that has worked for thousands of companies, spanning across the world and reaching continents like North America, Europe and Australia.
The formula is in the name: Next Gen Target Marketing Intelligence. It’s a process. A roadmap if you will, when it comes to finding prospective customers for your business on a monthly basis.
So what is Next Gen Target Marketing Intelligence, exactly?
Let’s break it down….
Before you even think about anything else, you must first identify who will buy your services or products.
You must target. Target who your customer is and how you can satisfy their needs.
However, you can’t target everyone. No one can afford that. So to effectively compete in any market and against your competitors you need to target customers in a strategic way.
Whether you sell Security Services (Alarm and Monitoring), Telecom Services, Cable and Wiring Services or IT Services you first need to understand who your customer is!
Say you’re an Alarm and Monitoring Security company looking for sales leads. To start, you must identify the wants and needs of your customer. And, you need to understand their pain points. A pain point is a problem that is real or perceived by your customer. Hopefully, you are the solution to their pain. Your product or service works to alleviate their problems.
As an Alarm and Monitoring Security company, your customer’s pain may be the headache of uninstalling and then reinstalling the security systems during the move. You can ease that pain by transferring the security systems smoothly from one office to the next.
Another common pain point across any industry can be budget. While your customer may want and need your product or service, you may be out of reach for them financially.
These are very specific problems that your customers may have. And hopefully, you hold the solutions to their problems.
What does this have to do with targeting?
As a security company, you don’t want to be targeting leads that can’t afford your products or services. Or who aren’t even looking for security services. It’s a waste of your time and finances.
So how do you spend your dollars wisely, targeting your customers that actually need your services?
At NextGenTMI we understand the importance of targeting.
We provide consistent month-to-month moving leads that are not only in your city, but are relevant to your industry. The companies provided by Next Gen TMI are targeted. Meaning they are quality moving leads that are looking for services like yours.
You don’t want residential furniture sales leads in Washington, DC if you’re in the officure furniture business in Kansas City.
We get even more granular when targeting at Next Gen TMI and ensure that the companies we give you are moving within 2 to 12 months. This is the ideal time as your leads are searching for services and products to help them move. Any company that is moving within 2 months have already decided what they’re going to do and who they’re going to use. On the other hand, any company moving after 12 months are usually shopping around and not serious, yet.
This 2 to 12 month window gives you the perfect opportunity to pitch your product or services to your leads….and in most cases, before your competitors.
We do the work to guarantee that the list you receive is targeted and accurate. How? On average, our lead gathering staff makes 50,000 calls and produces nearly 600 quality leads per day!
Next Gen TMI is also the most exclusive commercial, business, office lead program on the market because we limit the amount of companies that receive our quality leads. This gives you a huge advantage over your competitors.
So instead of your team taking the time to generate targeted moving leads every month, let Next Gen TMI do the work for you. With our targeted lead generation services, we will provide your team with the leads they need to close sales.
Just fill out our Request a Quote form and a dedicated representative will contact you. As a thank-you, we will throw in our Ultimate Sales Tips Guide for free! It’s a proven, step-by-step system for following up on office moving leads, regardless of the source.
The next step after you’ve defined your target customer is to place your opportunity in front of them.
Marketing and sales go hand in hand. But how do you place your services or products in front of potential buyers?
Imagine you’re in office furniture sales looking for leads. You may provide furnishing services, seating, or systems required by offices when they move.
To market properly and generate leads, your company puts its marketing efforts towards online ads, social media, word of mouth, promotions and more. While this may work, it’s not always consistent or enough to make the monthly sales quota. Plus, if your marketing team doesn’t perform, your sales team is left with a less than qualified list each month. It’s risky.
Instead of relying solely on your marketing team buying ads online or marketing your services offline through events or word of mouth, Next Gen TMI provides your sales team with a list they can count on. Without the spend of a full-blown marketing team to generate them.
If you do have the budget and capacity for an in-house marketing team, Next Gen TMI can still help. We take the pressure off of your team to produce consistent, high quality leads. Which allows your marketing team to do what they do best: strategize new campaigns, test new ideas and be creative. At the same time, you’ll know your sales team will be getting the leads they need, consistently.
Let Next Gen TMI be your lead safeguard. Let us make up for the industry lulls, holidays and slow seasons that come with any business.
At Next Gen TMI we provide a monthly list of hot quality moving leads that are looking for your products or services. Which will make your marketing and sales team happy.
Did you know that on average, a company moves every five years?
In a medium sized city, that means there are conservatively 20,000 companies with ten or more employees. That means over 300 companies are moving in a medium sized city each month.
Wouldn’t you want to be aware of every single one of them to maximum your company’s revenues?
Of course. But the companies that aren’t aware, lose.
That’s the importance of intelligence.
At Next Gen TMI we train and motivate our call center to gather accurate information from companies that are moving. All moving leads are generated in-house before being verified twice (first by an associate and then again by a supervisor) to ensure their accuracy. No public records are used!
Meaning we actually talk to each company individually before creating a personalized list for you.
Our lead gatherers or “intelligencer gatherers”, as we like to call them, make certain that they collect the correct information from each company:
- When they are moving: We confirm when the company is moving and only supply you with moving leads that are moving with a 2 to 12 month timeframe. Why? Because this is the prime time in their decision making cycle. They will be looking for services and products to help them move and are ready to make decisions.
- Who the decision makers are: The contacts you receive will be the right people making their company’s moving decisions. You will be given the potential decision maker right from the get-go.
- How large the company is: At Next Gen TMI the majority of the companies we source range from 15 – 75 employees. However, there are times where we have companies with more than 75 employees as well, which can result in larger sales. We gather this information for you so your sales team will know how valuable each lead really is before the call .
After all of this has been verified once. We do it again. Next Gen TMI makes sure that the monthly list you receive is accurate the first time. So when one of our lead gatherers calls to confirm all of the above, we then have a supervisor go over the lead and approve it.
What’s the value of receiving quality moving leads where the pre-call research is already done for your sales team?
With Next Gen TMI you’ll be getting monthly moving leads your team wants and needs. Without having to target, market and gather the intelligence yourself.
Your sales team will be given the direct contact information of the decision makers at each company, will be guaranteed the company is moving within the ideal 2 to 12 month time frame, and they will told how big each company is (employee size) before they prepare for each call.
Your marketing team will thank you, your sales team will thank you…and your company will thrive because of it.
Can you think of a time when you’ve missed an opportunity because you didn’t have the correct information? Or your competitors had a clue – and you didn’t?
The implications of being left behind because a lack of intelligence is a decrease in business opportunities and sales. In a medium sized city, over 300 companies are moving each month.
If you only knew about 30% of the companies moving, how would that affect your business? And what if you knew 100% of those companies?
At Next Gen TMI you’ll never be left behind. In fact, you’ll have a huge advantage over your competitors because of our advanced intelligence gathering system.
Not only will you be notified of the companies that are moving within your city, but the leads will be relevant to your industry. They’ll also be accompanied with the data and information your sales team needs. Like when the company is moving, its employee size, and the direct contact information of the decision makers.
All this, combined with target marketing is a proven system that is changing the way businesses, like yours, work.
Target Marketing Intelligence
Target marketing is when you have a group of potential customers within the available market that you are willing to target and put your marketing efforts towards.
Marketing intelligence is the relevant information that you have gathered and analyzed. With this information, you can make informed decisions about strategy and opportunity for your company.
Next Gen Target Marketing Intelligence is combining all of them into one proven, successful system. At Next Gen TMI we have helped thousands of companies just like you generate consistent monthly moving leads…for over 20+ years. Our standard for what we define a quality lead as, compares to no other.
As you’ve now read, our thorough lead generation system is meticulous and focuses on the details to ensure the leads you receive are valuable. How much time would it take for your marketing or sales team to generate the same quality leads?
Next Gen TMI provides you with quality leads at a fraction of the cost your team’s time is worth. Your team will no longer have to gather their own leads. Instead, they can focus on what they do best: converting leads into sales.
The best part? It’s month-to-month with no contracts.
At Next Gen TMI we are so confident in the quality leads we provide we don’t even offer minimum contracts that tie you down. You have the freedom to use us every month, month after month for years (which the majority of our clients end up doing) or try us risk-free for one month at a time.
What have you got to lose? Call us out today! Fill in the contact form below for your personalized quote. As a thank-you, we’ll throw in our Ultimate Sales Tips Guide for free! It’s a proven, step-by-step system for following up on office moving leads, regardless of the source.